News (课题组最近的消息)
- [May, 2023] " TFF_aDCNN: A Pre-trained Base Model for Intelligent Wideband Spectrum Sensing" has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (Status: Accepted).
- [January, 2023] "An Intelligent Measurement Scheme for Basic Characters of Fish in Smart Aquaculture" has been submitted to Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (Status: Accepted).
- [October, 2022] "DualA_SL: Salient Object Detection Driven by Dual Attention and Structured Loss" has been submitted to Image and Vision Computing (IMAVIS) (Status: Under Review).
- [September, 2022] "KPCRN: Key-Point-Coordinate Regression Network for Fish Characteristics Measurement" has been submitted to IEEE Transactions on Instrumnetation & Measurement (TIM) (Status: Under Review).
- [September, 2022] "An Intelligent Measurement Scheme for Basic Characters of Fish in Smart Aquaculture" has been submitted to Computers and Electronics in Agriculture (CEA) (Status: Accepted).